Thursday, September 29, 2011

If Content is King, then Image is its Strict Mother

I was prompted to write this post today, as I have had to deal with a few different business image issues, this past week. Some businesses don't realize that their image is the most important factor in gaining and retaining clients.

First off, let's define business image. Business image is the overall impression that a business produces for the world to see. This includes: logo, colour themes, graphic and web design, social media presence , customer service, business cards, uniforms, TV commercials, product packaging, company motto and ideals. Image is even portrayed in the choice of font chosen to represent an organization. It even goes so far as to be produced by the behavior of employees, owners and affiliates of the business outside of the workplace.

So as a social media marketer , I thought I would stray a little and talk a bit about more traditional marketing concepts.

One business, that I have been working with in a self-directed, social media marketing campaign, decided to start posting Facebook images and slogans dealing with poverty in third world nations! This sounds harmless enough...right? She was posting very graphic images of sick and hungry children in Africa. These images were accompanied by slogans like "See what capitalism gets you!" or "Where does your money go!".

The heart was demonstrated by the content and no one disagrees that we need to help the less fortunate, but the wrong message was being sent. It sent the opposite message that her feel-good products produced in her customers.

I advised her to start sponsoring a child through a reputable charitable organization and write about the good her charitable dollars were doing. She still got to educate her clients on third world issues, but still produce a positive image for her business!

The other issue I had concerning business image occurred at a networking event, where I was a featured business. The business in question was associated with the event, as well.

They approached me and started telling me that they hate Twitter and social media in general. She told me this, so I would "know right off the bat". She also explained that she was in charge of their company's social media campaign and hated doing it.

I tried to give her some tips and reassurances and she basically brushed me off rudely! I watched her for the rest of the night and found that she was being very abrasive with various people at the event. Someone described her as having a strong personality, but she probably shouldn't be marketing her own business.

This is a very true statement for many small businesses today. The owner has to wear a lot of hats to keep the business going. From boss to janitor to bookkeeper to is a hard job especially when just starting out!

My concern is that this person's attitude was reflecting negatively on a great product. Maybe they were tired or had a bad week. When it comes to image, there is little room for excuses.

Another concern was with her social media campaign. If she does not know what she is doing or doesn't like doing social media, it may be reflected in her marketing. People are looking for a genuine and friendly attitude when dealing with a business. Any negative attitudes may shine through in any form of marketing.

As for my business and her...I think I will wait a week or so and offer her a couple of hours of free consultation to see if I can make her marketing shine.

In short, everything a business 'puts out there' reflects on its image. Be careful to make sure your business does everything in it's power to maintain the proper image from having great content to the right colour scheme to good public relations. It is easy to ruin a business image and very hard to rebuild it!

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