Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Future of Social Media

This is an in depth look at the future of Social Media and the decline of traditional advertising. It is very informative and direct... an excellent video to watch!

I will paraphrase Gerd Leonhard's timeline/terminology for to make it easier to understand:

12-18 Months-Privacy will become the issue as people learn to integrate with the changing social media role in advertising.

12-18 months-Digital Jetlag-people will have to adapt to the new social media powers that are almost overwhelming.

18 Months- Realtime Social Feedback will take the forefront of marketing.

18 Months-Population will have to realize that they are in a Socially Augmented Reality.

18 Months-The start of the Extreme Reputation Economy-where people take control and traditional controlled media is declining.

12-24 Months-Resistance to the media marketing trend will diminish changing the view on copyright and the way the population is in the state of media control.

12-24 Months-Intelligent Automated Social Agents-automated programs that help streamline media into categories that make it easier to access information.

12-24 Months-Mindshare & Market share-a the population realizes that intellectual property has divested, and begin to share the once guarded copyrighted items, etc.... they will find their market share increasing.

2 Years-One-way communication from a non-trusted source is 99% useless.

2-3 Years-The world will begin to have the Global Social Brain.

4 Years- Social Media advertising will be 30% of digital use.

4 Years-5 Billion users will be connected on the internet and mobile devices.

5 Years-1/3 of the population will be engaged in this Social Media Reality.

Leonhard also mentioned a few phrases of interest:

Businesses are going to have to get used to the fact that they are not there to create but to divest.

Also if people cannot find your business in Social Media-then your business does not exist!!!

Soon people are going to trust strangers on their media accounts more than they are going to trust CEO's.

Pretty much to sum up the Video-businesses better be braced to get in on this technology or their businesses will sink in this new social media age!

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